Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hurry up and get married

We were eating our fresh "brotchen" from the corner bakery. Beau and I were feeling alive after a brisk walk/trot/sniff through the Eilenriede's brilliant pallette of yellow and gold colors. We snuck past our usual bakery and went across the street to the newer one to get the oat-covered rolls. Back at the house, our five year old was listening to her dad and I talk about early days when we used to go exploring and check out little boutiques in San Francisco and New York. She said "That is when I was (pointing up) up there. I was up there watching you and waiting and waiting. "Hurry up and get married!" I said. "I am getting hot sitting in this big cloud all the time." Ava has always had broad ideas of soul, eternity, and that our human experience has a before and an after. It amazes me to hear the ways her ideas enter into our day-to-day conversations.

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